The Viking Toys Hearts XL Firetruck is a fantastic resource for sand play. Available in pastel colour range, this makes it a great alternative to the brightly coloured trucks. Is made from 98% sugar cane and 2% wood chips from rubber tree waste.
This truck is great for the sand pit and mud patch, allowing the children to drive these around and create their own unique construction sites. Great for children to play with to learn about the construction vehicles that can be found around them and what the function of each is. This allows them to make associations to what they are learning in their everyday environment.
These high-quality toys are made from a renewable sugar cane plastic. Hearts toys are made from sugarcane and wood chips from the rubber tree, that is then processed and manufactured into an eco-friendly plastic. Sugar cane is a sustainable plant that helps reduce carbon emissions by binding and absorbing surrounding CO2 emissions. During this process the sugarcane absorbs more CO2 then what is takes to manufacture the Hearts toys. Which overall makes their environmental footprint a positive one. This process also makes these toys 100% recyclable and dishwasher safe.
Viking Toys value safety and quality in all their toys and educational resources. Viking Toys are nontoxic and safe for small children to play with. No Viking Toys product contains phthalates or BPAs and uses only non-toxic dyes. They feature smooth, round forms, with no sharp edges. For each fire truck sold we plant one tree. Size 24(L)cm.
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