This sari material measures 2 metersx 1 meter. Each piece of sari material features a loop for easy hanging. The sari material can be used for multicultural dress ups, or to create natural and soft play spaces.
This item includes 1 x sarimaterial length of fabricmeasuring 2 meters x 1 meter. It is supplied in assorted colours only, colour will vary. This multicultural fabric can help children to understand the people and the world around them. Our range of global and multicultural resources help to support children’s learning about their communities, as well as the world in general. These resources aid in the promotion of understanding and acceptance of different cultures, beliefs, languages, families, appearances and lifestyles. As children gain an understanding of their community, they also gain an understanding of themselves. This develops confidence and a sense of identity. Incorporating multicultural resources into play is a great way to introduce these concepts in fun and unobtrusive ways. Play is an important part of early childhood. Play encourages children to learn, develop and grow whilst they have fun. Through play, children can develop important cognitive and physical skills. Play encourages creativity, imagination, perseverance and the development of language and social skills. We love creating products that allow indigenous communities and artists to communicate their culture through their art and in turn allowing children to develop awareness and understanding of the significance of cultural heritage in their world. If you are an indigenous artist and would like to work with MTA to also develop culturally sensitive and appropriate education resources, please contact info@teaching.
au. This material will create a warm and authentic atmosphere in any environment. Using a variety of textures, fabrics, colours and materials helps to create an environment that is visually appealing and stimulating, but also calming. The learning environment should be comfortable and welcoming for children, parents and educators. Young children respond differently, based on the design, the types of resources, and the materials used in the environment. An effectively designed classroom has the potential to positively influence all areas of a child’s development, including physical, social, emotional and cognitive.
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