This Early Years Flip Chart provide graphical information All About Animals: side 1 of each chart provides instruction, while side 2 includes a variety of “write-on/wipe-off” activities. The charts are spiral bound on a sturdy free-standing easel for easy display - ideal for small group instruction, students working independently, learning centre activities or as a teaching resource/classroom reference. Includes a comprehensive Teacher’s Guide featuring step-by-step teaching instructions, along with copymaster pages of student activities.
The All About Animals Curriculum Mastery Flip Chart Set features 10 double-sided, laminated charts with each page covering one of the following topics:
- What Animals Need
- Grow & Change
- Farm/Zoo Animals
- Birds
- Bugs & More Bugs
- Butterfly Life Cycle
- Frog Life Cycle
- Reptiles/Fish/Amphibians
- Parents & Offspring
- Interdependence
These resources are made from an award winning publisher of research based, hands on print and interactive digital learning resources for teaching the most current academic standards. They are developed by master educators using researched based principles and are classroom tested for efficacy.
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