To explore even more possibilities with micro:bit, we have now combined it with DFRobot’s Boson modules, a set of electronic blocks, suitable for every student to start their hands-on journeys of learning. This kit includes the micro:bit so you can get creating and coding straight away!DFRobot’s Boson starter kit for micro:bit includes 8 modules, covering most popular digital and analogue sensors and actuators, supporting sound, light and motion interaction. Modules communicate to the micro: bit via 3-Pin interface and are perfectly compatible with Microsoft MakeCode, JavaScript online Editor and Python Editor.
The micro:bit expansion board for Boson is used to link the Boson modules to micro:bit. The expansion board is compatible with micro:bit V2. The expansion board comes with an edge connector, 6 fool-proof 3-Pin sockets, a 3.5MM headphone jack and a volume knob. Moreover, to ensure a steady current supply for motor and servo, the expansion board can be powered externally through the USB power port.
To help you and your students easily understand the usage of each module, the Boson kit for microbit is provided with a quick start guide, including 4 basic projects with wiring and sample codes. Walk through the guide and create your own invention!Kit Includes:
- micro:bit expansion board for Boson kit x 1
- micro bit x 1
- Red Push Button x 1
- Red LED Light x 1
- Rotation sensor x 1
- Sound Sensor x 1
- Motion sensor x 1
- Mini Fan Module x 1
- Mini Servo x 1
- RGB LED strip x 1
- Micro USB Cable x 1
- 3-Pin Cable (Long) x 1
- 3-Pin Cable (Medium) x 1
- 3-Pin Cable (Short) x 1
- Quick Start guide x 1
Suitable for age 10+Software Overview:From beginning coders to advanced programmers, micro:bit can beprogrammed by a programming tool that is right for your studentsMicrosoft Makecode:Perfect for the beginner, the colour-coded blocks are familiar to anyonewho’s previously used scratch. Swtich to Javascript to see the textbasedcode behind the blocks.
Scratch:Loved by many teachers and students all over the world, integrate yourmicro:bit into Scratch projects. You’ll need a laptop or computer withBluetooth and Scratch Link installed.
Python:Deepen programming skills through text-based coding. Easy to startlearning, yet powerful enough to be used in areas like data science andmachine learning
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