STEAM dreams: the educational framework that brings reality into the classroom.
STEAM is an educational approach that combines Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics to guide inquiry, dialogue and critical thinking.
STEAM integrates these subject areas into learning units based on real-world applications. With hands-on activities and creative design, students learn in and through these disciplines. They think, create and see their work in action!
Work collaboratively with others
Take ownership over their learning
Feel safe to express innovative ideas
Feel comfortable with hands-on learning
Develop a disposition towards lifelong learning
Develop liquid skills including communication, creative and critical thinking
Understand how science, maths, engineering, the arts and technology work together
Become increasingly curious about the world around them and feel empowered to change it for the better
What does STEAM learning look like?
STEAM encompasses design thinking, coding, robotics, AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of Things), drones, 3D, VR (Virtual Reality) & AR (Augmented Reality), web, apps, games, cybertechnology and more. Like the world we live in, it’s ever evolving!
How STEAM learning ignites minds
At its heart, it is integrative, active, meaningful and project oriented. It should also be driven by curiosity, wonder and a commitment to play!
STEAM & play-based learning
When students play in STEAM realms, they develop an internally motivated drive to explore, inquire and investigate the world around them. Play provides an opportunity to make discoveries, develop an understanding of scientific processes and conceptual understandings. It also makes STEAM accessible for all ages, abilities and learning styles.
STEAM & project-based learning
Project-based learning challenges students to think outside the box to seek answers to their questions. Tackling real-world problems in collaborative, critical and creative ways is the foundation of project-based learning. Starting with a driving question, it’s process-driven and student-centred, with the teacher acting as the guide.
STEAM & social-emotional learning
Social-emotional learning helps children express themselves, explore ideas and solve problems together. In that way, it’s the basis for the teamwork needed in STEAM. STEAM gives students opportunities to develop foundational SEL traits including empathy, perseverance and collaboration.
STEAM trends in education
Teaching coding concepts as early as pre-K.
Seeing coding as the ‘world’s language’ - as necessary as reading or writing in a digital world.
Building digital literacy as a lifelong learning skill.
Promoting cross-curricular learning through STEAM – music, languages and art activities.
Tools not toys... our favourite products
to support STEAM learning in 2024
LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Portfolio (Grades 1–8+)
Roll up your sleeves and build a robot today? Why not! With a focus on simple coding, robotics and digital integration, the LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Portfolio supports hands-on STEAM learning and computational thinking.
Shop nowmTiny Discover (Grades K–2)
Introduce computer science and 21st century skills with the screen-free technology of mTiny Discover. It gives younger students early entry into coding principles and builds social-emotional skills.
Shop nowMakeblock Codey Rocky (Grades 1+)
Agile Codey Rocky combines hardware with software, letting students learn about programming while they create. Using mBlock, a software that supports both block-based and Python programming, students can write their first line of code in minutes.
Shop nowKaiBot hybrid coding robot (Grades K–6+)
KaiBot is a coding robot purposefully designed for education (especially for 5-15 years). Students build on their critical, foundational skills and can progress to advanced programming skills. Lesson plans and loads of activities to download.
Shop nowSphero Indi learning robot (Grades K–2)
With screenless learning to engage young minds (think puzzles and mazes), Sphero Indi introduces students to STEAM and computer science principles while encouraging open-ended, imaginative, play-based learning.
Shop nowSphero RVR+ programmable robot (Grades 4–6+)
Students build the robot of their dreams with Sphero RVR+ and program it in three ways with the Sphero Edu app – Draw & Drive, Scratch Blocks and JavaScript. Advanced sensors and no assembly or complicated setup.
Shop nowBricQ Motion Portfolio (Grades 1–8+)
Cool physical science for the win! Students experiment with forces and motion in the context of sports using gears, levers, axles and pulleys. It gives students an analogue introduction to science and computational thinking.
Shop nowPi-top (Grades 7–12)
Design, code and make in one operating system, with endless possibilities from beginner coding to advanced AI. This Raspberry Pi-powered microcomputer combines physical computing and project-based learning.
Shop nowCreate 3 (Grades 9–12)
The next generation of iRobot’s affordable all-in-one mobile robot development platform. Grasp the fundamentals of robotics, computer science and engineering with this buildable, mobile robotics platform.
Shop nowSpark joy and learning
with LEGO® Education
and the LEGO®
Learning System.
From simple explorations to complex real-world challenges, students become confident life-long learners. These interconnected STEAM solutions unlock a world of learning opportunities.
Learn more